Abbotsford Police issue public notification about sex offender

James Conway has a criminal history that includes multiple convictions for a range of offences, including sexual assault.

Abbotsford Police Department has issued a public notification about James Conway, a convicted sex offender who has moved to the area.

Abbotsford Police Department has issued a public notification about James Conway, a convicted sex offender who has moved to the area.

Police have issued a public notification about a convicted sex offender who is moving to the Abbotsford area.

James Conway, 40, has a long criminal history, with convictions for a range of offences, including sexual assault, sexual interference, arson, mischief, failure to comply with a court order and breach of recognizance.

Conway is 6’4″ and weighs 240 pounds. He has brown hair and blue eyes.

He must abide by strict conditions while in the community.

He is electronically monitored and must abide by a 24-hour curfew. He is not allowed to leave his home except when in the company of an approved individual and for an approved purpose.

He is forbidden from contacting anyone under the age of 18, including through a computer or other device.

He must also refrain from engaging in any activity, work or volunteer work that puts him in contact with minors, nor is he allowed to attend any public place — including, but not limited to, parks, playgrounds and swimming areas — where people under the age of 18 may be found.

He also can’t consume alcohol or attend bars, wear or possess uniforms, travel on public transit without an approved escort, or possess any weapons.

Police are urging anyone who observes Conway violating those conditions to contact them immediately.

In February, Conway was released into the community and began living in Surrey, prompting a warning from the Surrey school district and concern from that city’s mayor.

On that occasion, Conway lasted less than two weeks out of prison before breaching his conditions and landing back in jail.

Abbotsford News