The Water Ski and Wakeboard B.C. (WSWBC) will be hosting the BC Wakeboard Championships on Aug. 2.

The Water Ski and Wakeboard B.C. (WSWBC) will be hosting the BC Wakeboard Championships on Aug. 2.

Abbotsford sport events receive $15K in grants

Trio of competitions among 37 held throughout B.C. that qualified for funding

Three upcoming Abbotsford sporting events are receiving $15,000 in combined funding from the provincial government’s Hosting BC program to help stage the competitions.

“These events will generate a tremendous economic benefit to Abbotsford just by hosting all the competitors,” said Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas.

Water Ski and Wakeboard B.C. (WSWBC) will be hosting the BC Wakeboard Championships on Aug. 2, and will get $3,000 from the program. Earlier this month, the WSWBC also hosted the 2014 Water Ski Provincial Championships, that were held on July 26 and 27 at Albert Dyck Park, and received a $5,000 grant.

The British Columbia Wrestling Association’s B.C. Open Club Championship, taking place in March 2015, is receiving $7,000 in funding.

Hosting BC funds competitive level events that support long-term athlete development plans for B.C.’s provincial sport organizations.

Across B.C., 37 events in 24 communities will share $152,250 in the latest round of Hosting BC grants, provided by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and administered by ViaSport, a provincial non-profit leader in promoting sport and physical activity for every British Columbian.
For more information about Hosting BC, please visit

Abbotsford News