AbbyFest cultural event cancelled for 2016

Organizers plan bigger celebration for 2017 to coincide with Canada's 150th birthday

The AbbyFest multicultural celebration will not take place in Abbotsford this year, but organizers are preparing for a larger event in 2017.

The AbbyFest multicultural celebration will not take place in Abbotsford this year, but organizers are preparing for a larger event in 2017.

The annual AbbyFest multicultural celebration won’t be happening in 2016.

The event, which was started in 2008, has focused on showcasing a range of cultures through performances and demonstrations.

Last year, AbbyFest was held at University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) in late September, but there will be no 2016 event as organizers prepare for a larger celebration in 2017 to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.

“With finite resources, we’ve decided to skip this year in preparation for next year when Canada turns 150,” Vince Dimanno, one of AbbyFest’s co-ordinators, said in an email.

“We’ll be presenting our plans to city council in September and more information will be available then.”

Dimanno said UFV is still a partner and the city will also be more involved. Previous events featured performances, displays, food and other attractions with a multicultural focus.

Abbotsford News