Aboriginal Cultural Centre getting major award

North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre Society has been awarded $120,000 by the National Association of Friendship Centres

North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre Society (NTACC) has been awarded $120,000 by the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC), according to NTACC spokesperson Cindy Wilgosh.

“I’m still in shock. After seven years of struggling, here we are,” she said.

“How very exciting is this … not to mention seeing Clearwater on the map. Yaaaa hoooo!”

According to NAFC, more than 100 letters of intent were evaluated against the program’s terms and conditions. Of these, more than 40 organizations were encouraged to submit full proposals and a subsequent 20 were recommended for consideration and approval by a national adjudication committee.

The committee considered a number of factors in its decision including demographics and population, remoteness, range of services delivered and governance and financial management capacity. The following 10 organizations will be brought into the network of service delivery under the realigned Urban Aboriginal Strategy:

NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. (Labrador City, N.L.); Native Council of Nova Scotia (Truro, N.S.); Native Friendship Centre of Montreal (Que.); Peel Aboriginal Network (Mississauga, Ont.); Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc. (Winnipeg, Man.); Ka Ni Kanichik Inc. (Winnipeg, Man.); West Flat Citizen Group (Prince Albert, Sask.); Miywasin Society of Aboriginal Services (Alta.); Laichwiltach Family Life Society (Campbell River, B.C.); and The North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre Society (Clearwater, B.C.).


Clearwater Times