Director Jim Abram is sworn in at the Strathcona Regional District’s inaugural meeting Dec. 11. Following that, Abram was re-elected chair of the regional district board.

Director Jim Abram is sworn in at the Strathcona Regional District’s inaugural meeting Dec. 11. Following that, Abram was re-elected chair of the regional district board.

Abram re-elected as chair of SRD board of directors

Director Jim Abram will continue his reign of chair of the Strathcona Regional District board

Director Jim Abram will continue his reign of chair of the Strathcona Regional District board.

Abram, the director for Quadra Island and Discovery Islands, was re-elected to the position by acclamation after no other nominations were put forward.

Abram was declared chair at the board’s inaugural meeting Dec. 11 at the Strathcona Regional District offices.

It was the first time in 27 years that the chair was elected by acclamation – the last time it happened, it was also to elect Abram.

Abram was nominated for the position by Director John MacDonald (Sayward).

Abram thanked the directors for the vote of confidence.

“Thank-you very much directors, I appreciate it,” he said.

“Thank-you very much for having confidence in me to spend another year up here in the chair’s position. I enjoyed it last year.

“Hopefully this year we’ll all work together putting this board on the map,” he added.

Following the vote for chair, the board had to decide on a vice-chair to fill in in the event of Abram’s absence.

Director Gerald Whalley (Area A) nominated MacDonald and Director Andy Adams elected Director Charlie Cornfield.

Before the vote by secret ballot, both were given the opportunity to make a pitch.

MacDonald, who went first, said that having been with the Strathcona Regional District since its inception made him a good candidate.

“I believe I know the procedures very well,” MacDonald said.

“I can work with the chair – I can work with every director sitting around this table. When I hold a meeting I am known to be very disciplined in the way I hold meetings and I prefer to keep it that way. I think I can do the job.”

Cornfield, who noted that he served nine years on Campbell River city council, spent three years as mayor, sat on the Strathcona Regional District board and its predecessor’s Comox Strathcona Regional District board, said he also had the tools to run a meeting.

“I’ve got a lot of experience,” said Cornfield, who acknowledged that he also served as chair of the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital board.

“Like my learned colleague John (MacDonald) down the way, I can work with everyone and have over the years.”

But after the votes were tallied, it was MacDonald who was declared the new vice-chair.

For MacDonald, who is the mayor of Sayward, it will be his first term as vice-chair and Abram’s second consecutive term as chair of the board.

Following those elections, directors were appointed to various external boards and agencies.

Area D Director Brenda Leigh, who was absent at Thursday’s meeting, was re-elected as the representative to the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board, with Cortes Island Director Noba Anderson to serve as the alternate.

Whalley was re-appointed to the Mid-Island Forest Land Advisory Group with new Zeballos director Julie Colborne elected as the alternate, and Director Michele Babchuk was elected to the Strathcona Gardens Commission.

Those appointments will expire at the end of 2015.


Campbell River Mirror