Advance rail vote begins

The first of six voting opportunities in Lake Country begins today.

The first of six voting opportunities in Lake Country begins today.

The advance poll at the municipal hall on Bottom Wood Lake Road is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters will have their first chance to indicate support for borrowing up to $2.6 million to purchase 50 per cent of the discontinued CN rail corridor within Lake Country.

“We have an advance voting poll in each ward as well as a general voting day at George Elliot Secondary School,” said Reyna Seabrook, chief election officer.

There are also advance polls Thursday at the Oyama Community Hall, Friday at the Carr’s Landing fire hall, Monday at the Okanagan Centre Community Hall and Tuesday at the municipal office.

General voting day is April 25 at GESS.

“Residents can vote at any of the polling stations and do not have live in that ward to vote at that location,” said Seabrook.

Mail ballots are also available by completing and returning the application and registration to vote by mail before 4 p.m. April 23.

Residents of Lake Country for at least 30 days, who are 18 years or older, have lived in B.C. for at least six months and are Canadian citizens are eligible to vote.

Voters need to bring two pieces of ID, at least one with a signature, and one that proves residency, to the polling station.

Residents can find referendum information including advance poll dates, times and locations and project information, including maps, FAQs and more at


Vernon Morning Star