Age Friendly planning begins with workshop

Harrison looking for feedback from service providers

Cherie Enns Consulting and the Village of Harrison Hot Springs are hosting an event to being to gauge the community for an Age-Friendly Plan. The event is to be held on April 1, and includes breakfast, and a workshop featuring a special guest speaker.

This event will specifically be seeking input from service providers, who are invited to share their vision of and priorities for an age-friendly Harrison.

Pieter Steyn, guest speaker, has been a university professor in Human Services and Gerontology in southern African and Canada for the past 30 years. He retired from teaching last year and is now a consultant in non-financial retirement planning. He also has interests in stress and depression in the elderly, and age friendly communities.

Breakfast is at 8 a.m., Steyn speaks at 8:30 a.m. and the workshop runs from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the Cascade Room of the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa.

Harrison received an Age Friendly grant last year to help develop an age-friendly plan.

RSVP by calling 604-649-1255 or by email at


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