Airport plan calls for development

Cache Creek-Ashcroft Regional Airport strategic plan

The newly formed Cache Creek-Ashcroft Regional Airport Commission forwarded a draft strategic plan to Council that included short-term, mid- and long-term plans for the airport. Short term plans mostly included repairs, while long term plans included bringing water and sewer to the airport, extending the runway and looking for commercial ventures to be run out of the airport.

“I just have to make a comment on how impressed I was by the Strategic Plan,” said Coun. Ida Makaro. “It’s very doable.”

Airport Commission chair and Cache Creek Councillor Wyatt McMurray urged Council to bring any comments or concerns about the plan to the Commission so they could work together and not against each other on the plan’s implementation.

The airport was developed in 1985 by local aviation enthusiasts ad businesses from both Ashcroft and Cache Creek as well as a contribution from the provincial government in the form of runway paving to compensate Cache Creek for the negative impact of the Coquihalla Highway on the local economy.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal