Amputated cat seeking home

SPCA says Colonel Meow is extremely affectionate and is now fully litter trained

He’s learning to walk on three legs after undergoing surgery to amputate a badly injured leg, but the biggest problem facing Colonel Meow is convincing a family to let him join their regiment.

“Colonel Meow is an absolutely beautiful orange cat who was brought to the shelter as a stray,” said Corinne Ross, manager of the B.C. SPCA’s Vernon branch.

“People had noticed him wandering around Armstrong for almost a year and he always appeared to be injured. Finally a Good Samaritan brought him into to us so that he could get the veterinary treatment and care he needed.”

The veterinarians tried to save the cat’s leg but the injury was too serious.

“He is adjusting well, especially since his favourite activity involves cuddling quietly on the couch with his foster mom,” said Ross.

“After struggling to survive outdoors on his own, Colonel Meow is absolutely thrilled to be living inside with a full belly, watching television and snuggling on a lap.”

Ross says he is extremely affectionate and is now fully litter trained.

“He is fine with dogs, as long as they are gentle but would prefer to be the only cat in a family so that he can be the centre of attention,” she said.

“This is such a special cat and we’d love to find him a permanent home as soon as possible.”

Ross says with a shelter overflowing with kittens in the summer, it is often harder to adopt adult cats.

“We know that the perfect family is out there for Colonel Meow and we hope they will contact us to see about “recruiting” him into their ranks.”

For more information, contact the Vernon SPCA branch at 250-549-7297 or at


Vernon Morning Star