IT'S a familiar scene around Terrace and northwesten B.C. this morning following two days of record snowfall.

IT'S a familiar scene around Terrace and northwesten B.C. this morning following two days of record snowfall.

And now the clean up begins

The massive snowfall of the past two days in Terrace and area is stretching crews and equipment to the limit

CITY of Terrace officials are asking for patience and cooperation this morning following two days of heavy snowfall which all but ground normal life to a halt.

“Please stay off the roads to allow our snow removal crews and equipment to work as safely as possible as we clean up after the storm,” top city official Heather Avison is asking.

City and hired equipment was out early this morning plowing snow off main streets, the sound of safety devices beeping as daylight broke.

Tall windrows now line the center portion of routes, making it complicated when turning and, in particular, stopping at intersections.

“Stay well clear of snow clearing operations. Do not park on city streets. Do not push snow from driveways onto city streets,” said Avison.

“Thank you again for your patience and cooperation.”

The Northwest Regional Airport this morning reports several delays in arriving flights.

Highways are still open but travel advisories are in place and people are being told to stay off roads unless absolutely necessary.













Terrace Standard