Vernon’s Scott Anderson has been honoured by the Canadian Armed Forces for helping locate two youth who were missing.

Vernon’s Scott Anderson has been honoured by the Canadian Armed Forces for helping locate two youth who were missing.

Anderson earns honour

Scott Anderson was recently awarded the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation

A Vernon resident has been recognized for reuniting two youth with their families.

Scott Anderson, a captain in the Canadian Armed Forces reserves, was recently awarded the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation for a 2014 incident.

Anderson initially saw a call for help from some parents on social media, pleading for information on the whereabouts of their two teenage daughters. Because of his training as a public affairs officer, he offered to write and issue a news release on behalf of the families.

“As a parent, I understood their anguish and wanted to help,” said Anderson, who is a Vernon city councillor.

“I had a skill and contacts within regional media, so I put that knowledge to work to leverage awareness of the situation.”

Within a few minutes of the news release being issued, media contacted the families and the story picked up national news coverage. The two teens were soon found in a different province and reunited with their families.

“I’m proud to receive this commendation, but I don’t see my actions as in any way heroic. I simply did what anyone else in my position would do, try to help,” said Anderson.

Anderson is currently a member of the Public Affairs Branch Primary Reserve, and has served in the Canadian Armed Forces since 2008.


Vernon Morning Star