Forty residents from the Lumby area take to the streets and rally against genetically modified organisms Saturday.

Forty residents from the Lumby area take to the streets and rally against genetically modified organisms Saturday.

Anti-GMO protests draw crowds

About 40 people marched in Lumby Saturday against genetically modified organisms.

About 40 people marched in Lumby Saturday against genetically modified organisms.

The March Against Monsanto opposed corporate ownership of the food system and to protect against what rally participants believe is the pollution associated with corporate agriculture.

“I am thrilled to see so many people here for our first march,” said organizer Sue Kelsey.

“It shows how important this issue is to our community.

“Many people who couldn’t be here have told me of their appreciation, saying the time has come to take back our agriculture.”

The march concluded at the Monashee Community Co-Op where tents and vendors were set up for the co-op’s grand opening.

“I hope that soon all local food will be grown without pesticides so we will have no need to march,” said Kelsey.

Protest marches were also held in Vernon and Enderby.

Monsanto defends its activities.

“The 22,000 people of Monsanto are committed to having an open dialogue about food and agriculture – we’re proud of the work we do,” states the corporation in a release.

“We’re also proud of our collaboration with farmers and partnering organizations that help make a more balanced meal accessible for everyone. Our goal is to help farmers do this in a more sustainable way using fewer resources and having a smaller impact on the environment.

“We know people have different points of view on these topics, and it’s important that they’re able to express and share them.”


Vernon Morning Star