Around the council table

Rezoning applications take centre stage at July 2 council meeting.

At its latest meeting on July 2, Ladysmith council gave first and second reading to a zoning amendment bylaw that would amend the Tourist Recreational Commercial (C-4) Zone to permit three additional uses: single-family residential dwelling; home occupation; and professional and business office.

The C-4 Zone applies to properties on both the east and west side of Esplanade Avenue. There are commercial buildings and single-family dwellings in this area, and some of the single-family homes have been converted to business use, according to a staff report from Felicity Adams, the Town’s director of development services.

Recently, property owners in this area have identified zoning issues, which prompted staff to bring forward this proposed bylaw amendment, according to Adams. Permitting home occupation use within a single-family dwelling is appropriate to consider, she added.

A public hearing will be held at a future date.


Council has approved a Temporary Use Permit to allow a mobile food service at 930 Ludlow Rd. for two years.

The food service is north of the Wash-Me on Ludlow building. Operating out of a small RV trailer on wheels and offering options such as french fries, hamburgers and hot dogs, it is intended to be temporary and seasonal in nature.


Ladysmith Chronicle