Awards offered for green projects and design work

The Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia are looking for environmentally-positive, green projects.

The Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia are looking for leaders in designing and building environmentally-positive, green projects.

The 2013 TechGREEN Awards recognize excellence in designing and building projects which advance environmental benefit and sustainability.

The nomination deadline is March 15.

“We created TechGREEN Awards to encourage projects that advance sustainable best practices, energy conservation and environmental benefit,” said John Leech, executive director of the association.

“Their purpose is to shine the spotlight on outstanding design and building by the engineering and affiliated teams in which ASTTBC members work.”

The organization represents 10,000 technology professionals in B.C.

Online nomination forms and criteria are posted at

The 2013 TechGREEN Awards will be presented at the 25th annual ASTTBC Technology Awards and Recognition Celebration in Vancouver in November.


Summerland Review