Barriere Search and Rescue building is underway

preparations for construction began for the Barriere Search and Rescue (BSAR) building

Lisa Quiding

North Thompson Star/Journal

Earlier this week preparations for  construction began for the Barriere Search and Rescue (BSAR) building.  The two bay 30’ x 50’ building will house the highway rescue truck and BSAR communications trailer. The building will be designed to coincide with the current downtown community buildings.  It will also be utilized for storage, meetings and communication for the group allowing them to save money and be in a secure location.  Currently, BSAR occupies the School Board building on Fouquet Road in Barriere which is unable to house their truck and trailer.

The fundraising for the project began some time ago when BC Ambulance Service asked BSAR to move the highway truck from their location.  The group managed to raise money and received a grant from the Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society (LNCFS) making the building possible.

The District of Barriere has donated the land for the structure and has told BSAR once the new Solar Aquatics Wastewater plant is running, it would provide heat for them as well.

Three bids were received for the project and it was awarded to Tyand Builders from McLure. Tyand worked hard to find many donations and its bid included in-kind services in order to finish the building on budget.

The foundation will be poured prior to ground freeze and the main construction will begin in the new year with expected completion by early spring.

BSAR would like to acknowledge the incredible contributions from the community that aided to make this all come together;  LNCFS, Tyand Builders and their contributors, the District of Barriere, Quality Contractors for the land prep and the many donations received.

Barriere Star Journal