BC Hydro hopes Stewart and Meziadin will get power tonight

The two northwestern BC communities have not had power since Tuesday night

BC Hydro officials are hoping to restore power to Stewart and Meziadin by early tonight.

“We are aiming for 8 p.m. and the last update I have from the field is that work is progressing well,” said Simi Heer from the crown corporation.

Power went out late March 18 when a tower from the unfinished Northwest Transmission Line fell over, damaging another tower on the existing line that serves Meziadin and Stewart.

Heer said 17 people are working at the location, approximately 140 kilometres north of Terrace, and elsewhere.

“Many of these individuals are specialized transmission linemen who arrived in the area last night from the Lower Mainland,” she said.

“Today, crews were focussed on removing the fallen tower, fixing damage to the poles on the affected line and restringing the conductors (the transmission line),” Seer added.

BC Hydro is also looking into why the Northwest Transmission Line tower fell over.

It’s the second time since the new year that Stewart and Meziadin have been without power.

The first time, a tower on the line that does service the area fell over.

Heer said BC Hydro customers can submit claims if they lost food products during the outage.

Terrace Standard