Border guards uncover weapons

Illegal weapons continue to be items Canadian Border Services officers are coming across at the Osoyoos port of entry.

Illegal weapons continue to be items Canadian Border Services officers are coming across at the Osoyoos port of entry.

During the month of July border officers conducted 16 seizures including six narcotics seizures, one prohibited/restricted weapon seizure, two currency seizures and seven miscellaneous good seizures. The firearms seizure has been referred to Canada Border Services Agency criminal investigations division for prosecution with charges going forward.

The CBSA monthly border brief said a U.S. resident was referred for further inspection after the primary officer suspected he may have firearms in the vehicle. After giving the traveller parking instructions, the primary officer observed the vehicle continue past the secondary inspection area and proceed north into Canada. The primary officer sounded the alarm, ran across the compound and managed to stop the driver. During the subsequent examination of the vehicle border officers said they discovered a loaded handgun under the back seat. Officers arrested the traveller for failing to report his weapon and criminal charges will be proceeding.

In another incident a U.S. resident was seeking entry to travel to Alaska. The border services officer suspected there was an undeclared firearm in the vehicle although the traveller insisted there was not. During examination of the vehicle, officers discovered a .22 calibre revolver, unloaded, with trigger lock, in a zippered gun case which was sitting in plain view on the rear floor of his truck. The traveller was arrested, but when the examination yielded no further prohibited items he was released from custody and returned to the U.S. due to past criminal convictions.

Officers also seized a restricted handgun and two prohibited magazines when a U.S. resident was referred for a secondary examination at the port of Osoyoos. The items were seized and the traveller was arrested for attempting to smuggle a firearm and prohibited devices into Canada. The traveller was released on an appearance notice and returned to the U.S. until his court date in Canada.

Also in the month of July a traveller that was refused entry at the Osoyoos port then tried to make entry through Chopaka. The vehicle examination revealed 13 prohibited high-capacity ammunition magazines. The magazines were seized with no terms of release. The traveller was denied entry for past criminal convictions and for committing an offence upon entry to Canada.

In a commercial shipment of goods, Osoyoos border officers discovered prohibited push daggers destined for the B.C. Interior. Officers seized the items and issued a penalty to the driver for the importation of prohibited weapons.

The Canada Border Services Agency averages close to a dozen firearms seizures a month in the Pacific Region, which includes the Osoyoos border crossing.


Penticton Western News