Brad Minton new Comox Valley Airport Commission chair

Brad Minton is the new chair of the Comox Valley Airport Commission.


Brad Minton is the new chair of the Comox Valley Airport Commission.

The Comox Valley Airport Commission (CVAC) announced Minton’s appointment as chair of the commission’s board of directors Monday. Minton’s appointment was acclaimed following the resignation of Ken Dawson, effective Monday.

Dawson has served the Comox Valley Airport Commission since 2005, and he became the board’s chair in 2008. He has accepted a new job with the provincial government.

“On behalf of the board of directors, it has been a privilege serving under Ken’s leadership,” Minton said in a press release.

Minton’s appointment was unanimously endorsed at a board of directors meeting Friday. He will serve out the remainder of Dawson’s term until 2012.

The appointment leaves the position of vice-chair temporarily vacant.

The board secretary, as registrar of elections, will canvas board members for expressions of interest in the position.  The CVAC governance committee will also begin the process of recruiting a new member to replace Dawson on the commission.

Dawson was nominated by the local governments nominating entity, and the committee will seek replacement nominees from the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox, the Village of Cumberland and the Comox Valley Regional District to fill the vacancy.

“This is certainly an exciting time to be a part of CVAC as we embark on our new five-year strategic plan and work toward our ultimate goal of expanding air service delivery,” said Minton. “We are all looking toward the future now with anticipation and will be seeking a new and qualified board member to assist us in our pursuits.”

Minton, who has served as a director on the CVAC board since 2009, was appointed as board vice-chair in mid-February.

A financial adviser, he is a past president of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce and previous chair of Community Futures Strathcona.


Comox Valley Record