Budget talks set for 2017

The Municipality of North Cowichan is inviting the community to participate

The Municipality of North Cowichan is inviting the community to participate in the Budget 2017 Town Hall Meetings later this month.

The meetings will include a presentation highlighting the current year’s accomplishments, a brief overview of the municipality’s draft budget, and roundtable discussions on upcoming projects.

The meetings will take place at the end of October throughout North Cowichan; in Chemainus, Crofton, Maple Bay and South End.

If people want to be part of the conversation and are interested in decisions that affect the budget, they should attend at least one of the meetings.

“This year, the Town Hall Meetings are taking place earlier on in the annual budget process, allowing more citizen engagement, which in turn, means more opportunities to help guide aspects of the draft 2017 Budget,” said North Cowichan Mayor Jon Lefebure.

“Council was very happy with the turnout last year and we are excited to collaborate once again with North Cowichan citizens as we develop the new budget.”

The first meeting is on Oct. 24 at École Mount Prevost, followed by another meeting the next day, Oct. 25, at the Maple Bay Fire Hall.

The third meeting will be on Oct. 26 at the Crofton Community Centre, followed by the last one on Oct. 27 at the Chemainus Seniors’ Centre.

All the meetings will run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Ladysmith Chronicle