Farms like this one in Saltair are home to a way of life. But Richard Bulluck, former chair of the Agricultural Land Reserve, and Harold Steves, ‘father of the Agricultural Land Commission, say its a challenged lifestyle.

Farms like this one in Saltair are home to a way of life. But Richard Bulluck, former chair of the Agricultural Land Reserve, and Harold Steves, ‘father of the Agricultural Land Commission, say its a challenged lifestyle.

Bullock, Steves talk about farm challenges

Will make a stop in Duncan during their speaking tour on “present day challenges that face agriculture and food land in B.C.”

Former chair of the Agricultural Land Commission Richard Bullock, and ‘father’ of the Agricultural Land Reserve, Harold Steves, will make a stop in Duncan during their speaking tour on “present day challenges that face agriculture and food land in B.C.” says an announcement from the Cowichan Green Community.

“The preservation of agriculture and food production lands in B.C. is challenged by the processes of urbanization and land development,” says CGC Executive Director Judy Stafford.

Citing the Foodland Trust Project of BC, which says farmland in British Columbia is becoming increasingly inaccessible to new and existing farmers as a result of rising land prices, urbanization, and non-farm uses, Stafford says communities and governments need to take action.

“Advocates are asking for community members and local government to protect these valuable resources,” Stafford says. “In doing so, they stand to safeguard food security in the province.”

Bullock will speak about the history of the ALR in BC and address the implications of the latest changes made to the ALC; Steves will address the role that local government can take to promote local agriculture and address current threats made to the ALR.

“This is a great opportunity to engage and discuss the ALR and food land protection with two prominent figures within the B.C. food system,” states the CGC release.

The event takes place at Glenora Hall, 3360 Glenora Road in Duncan. Doors open at 5 p.m., with the talks and discussion taking place between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation

For information contact the Cowichan Green Community at 250-748-8506 or email


Ladysmith Chronicle