Businesses support food bank

Businesses in Summerland raised money and collected donations for the Summerland Food Bank.

Businesses in Summerland raised money and collected donations for the Summerland Food Bank.

Nesters Market raised $1,800 for the food bank during the Summerland Festival of Lights, from their fajita cookout and a pallet of groceries.

On the same night, IGA Summerland raised more than $2,200 in funds and more than $1,100 in pre-made food bank bags. Around 500 kilograms of food was dropped off by the community.

Bottleneck Drive raised $1,220 in cash donations for the food bank during Festival of Lights. The wineries held tastings at the Summerland Gold and Silver Exchange store and the new Bead Trails store.

Sumac Ridge Estate Winery donated $3,000 to the food bank from their own tasting room fees.


Summerland Review