The Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron held the 24th Annual Ceremonial Review and Awards on Sunday at the Summerland Arena. Reviewing officer Dan Albas, MP for Okanagan Coquihalla, inspected the 902 Summerland squadron. There were 12 cadets in the Summerland squadron.

The Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron held the 24th Annual Ceremonial Review and Awards on Sunday at the Summerland Arena. Reviewing officer Dan Albas, MP for Okanagan Coquihalla, inspected the 902 Summerland squadron. There were 12 cadets in the Summerland squadron.

Cadets hold annual review

The 24th Annual Ceremonial Review of the 902 Summerland Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron was held on June 1.

The 24th Annual Ceremonial Review of the 902 Summerland Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron was held on June 1.

The reviewing party led by Dan Albas, MP for Okanagan-Coquihalla, was comprised of Donald McKay, British Columbia League Representative of the Air Cadet League of Canada; Major David Kerr, Air Cadet Instructor Cadre Officer representing Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific); Mayor Janice Perrino representing the District of Summerland; Captain Christel Davidsen, Commanding Officer of the 902 Summerland Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron; and Matthew Baran, chair of the 902 Summerland Squadron Sponsoring Committee.

Albas presented the Lord Strathcona Medal to Warrant Officer Second Class Zachary Fitzpatrick.

The Lord Strathcona Medal is the highest award that can be bestowed upon a cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training.

The Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence was presented to Warrant Officer First Class Bryce Johnston by Summerland Legion Branch 22 President Mike Brazeau.

This medal is awarded in recognition for individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement.

The Air Cadet Long Service Medal was presented to Dane McLellan by the Air Cadet League of Canada representative Mr. Donald McKay.

This medal is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed four years of service.

The Commanding Officer of the 902 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron changed in a change of command ceremony. Kerr thanked Davidsen for her dedication and service as the commanding officer and appointed Capt. Tyler Willis as the new commanding officer.

Awards and promotions were also presented.

Best first year cadet Air Cadet Riley Hanley, best second year cadet Cpl. Bryanna Johnston, best third year cadet Flight Cpl. Meaghan Vader, best fourth year cadet Sgt. Rachael Smith, top junior cadet Leading Air Cadet and Leading Air Cadet Lilli Eggert, to senior cadet Flight Sgt. Rachael Smith, best dressed cadet  Air Cadet Alyssa Vader, best attendance Cpl. Jack Taylor and Warrant Officer Second Class Zachary Fitzpatrick, most improved cadet Flight Cpl. Josiah Baran, citizenship award Cpl. Lara Desjarlais and Cpl. Benjamin Jones, leadership award Warrant Officer First Class Bryce Johnston, cadet of the year Warrant Officer First Class Bryce Johnston.

Josiah Baran and Meaghan Vader were promoted to the rank of sergeant. Lara Desjarlais, Bryanna Johnston, Benjamin Jones and Jack Taylor were promoted to the rank of flight corporal. Lilli Eggert was promoted to the rank of to corporal. Riley Hanley and Alyssa Vader were promoted to the rank of leading air cadet.


Summerland Review