Campfire ban lifted

A campfire ban, in place since Aug. 1, has now been lifted.

A campfire ban, in place since Aug. 1, has now been lifted.

The Kamloops Fire Centre lifted the ban at noon on Aug. 26, following rainfall throughout the area and a decreased risk of wildfires.

While the ban is no longer in place, campers must still follow provincial campfire regulations.

The size of a campfire may not exceed half a metre wide by half a metre high.

Flammable material such as twigs and pine needles must be removed from the campfire area and a fuel-free area must be maintained while the fire is burning.

Campers must have a shovel or at least eight litres of water on site to extinguish the fire.

Fires must not be left unattended and the ashes must be cool to the touch before leaving the area.

Other fires, including those larger than half a metre wide by half a metre high, industrial burning, fireworks and burning barrels remain prohibited.

The fire ban had been put in place because of the hot, dry weather and the high fire danger rating.

In a normal year, half of all wildfires in the province are caused by human activity while the rest are the result of natural conditions, such as lightning strikes.


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