Caution: student crossing

Schools to re-open

The return of school speed zone limits on Sept. 6 also means the return of parents driving their children to school.

But parents are being asked to avoid those educational institutes, if possible.

David Dunne, director of the BCAA Road Safety Foundation safety programs, said parents who drive their children to and from school pose the biggest danger to child pedestrians and cyclists.

“The congestion caused by so many vehicles creates a very dangerous environment,” he said.

Reports of drivers making U-turns, stopping in no-stopping zones, backing up into crosswalks, rolling through stop signs, ignoring school safety patrollers and letting their children out from the driver’s side into oncoming traffic are all common.

The most common offence, however, is speeding.

In an effort to address the issue, will launch its “Have a word with yourself” campaign Sept. 6-9 in Surrey school zones.

Drivers who speed in school zones risk fines of $138 to $483 and the possibility of having their vehicles impounded for up to 60 days.


Peace Arch News