Changes to after hours bus service

Approvals to use a bus after hours now go through District of Clearwater, to BC Transit and then to Yellowhead Community Services

Changes to after hours bus service

Approvals to use a Clearwater and District Transit Service bus after hours now must flow through District of Clearwater, to BC Transit and then to Yellowhead Community Services for implementation.

The after hours bus service is popular with service clubs, agencies and other non-profit organizations for use by those groups or for community events.

According to the minutes of a recent meeting of the Wells Gray Country joint services committee, the changes are needed to meet BC Transit requirements if the after hours service is to continue to be provided.

There is to be a substantial increase in the hourly charge for the service being charged by BC Transit to District of Clearwater.

The District’s chief administrative officer, Leslie Groulx, was to disseminate an email regarding the changes to the after hours service.


During discussion, the members of the services committee said that it is important that BC Transit recognize that this is a small rural community and that the after hours service provides opportunities that are otherwise not readily available within our community, unlike in more urban centres.



Clearwater Times