Chilliwack’s young apprentices awarded $50,000

Fifty thousand dollars was awarded to Chilliwack's trades students at Tuesday night's board meeting.

Fifty thousand dollars was awarded to Chilliwack’s trades students at Tuesday night’s board meeting.

The Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) program successfully put through 50 graduates last year from both public and private schools in Chilliwack – all of whom were rewarded a $1,000 scholarship to assist in furthering their careers in the trades.

Nineteen different trades, ranging from professional cook to bricklayer, were represented in the scholarships.

SSA is an opportunity for any student, 15 years or older, to register as an apprentice and receive 16 credits towards graduation from work experience hours while continuing classroom learning.

To qualify for the SSA scholarship, students had to graduate with a C+ average or better; complete a minimum of 480 hours of paid apprentice work; and still be apprenticing six months after graduation.

The scholarship funding is shared between the Ministry of Education and the Industry Training Authority, funded through the Ministry of Economic Development.

Chilliwack Progress