Circus Osorio comes to the Valley

Circus Osorio will bring its human acrobatic show to Port Alberni July 14–18 at Russell Fields across from Echo Centre.

The circus is coming to town!

Circus Osorio will bring its human acrobatic show to Port Alberni July 14–18 at Russell Fields across from Echo Centre.

The bigtop will rise early Wednesday morning, and shows will take place Thursday through next Monday.

“There hasn’t been a tent show here in 15 years,” said Nicholas Defrancis, who works promotions for the circus.

Circus Osorio does not have any animals in its performance. “We’re the first animal-free gymnastics circus that comes to town,” Defrancis said. “That’s what makes us unique.”

This is a fourth-generation circus, he said: brothers Roberto, Leo and Frank Osorio are still operating it on behalf of the family. Roberto is the show’s magician.

Shows will take place weekday evenings with matinees at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Tickets are available around town and at the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce, which is co-sponsoring the event with the city’s parks, recreation and heritage department.

Alberni Valley News