City gets tough on garbage properties

Campbell River Council is exercising its authority to make home owners clean up or the city will do it and bill them

A Petersen Road resident has 30 days to remove “unsightly” debris and garbage from his property or else the city will do it at the owner’s expense.

At Tuesday’s meeting, council used its “remedial action tool” for the third time since October to order a property into compliance. In this case, a home at 555 Petersen Road is being cited for unsightly premises.

Bylaw enforcement officer Karl Read said the seven-hectare property, which fronts Petersen and continues along Old Petersen, is full of garbage, building debris and an old mattress.

“There is an accumulation of discarded items including garbage in several areas of the property visible from Old Petersen Road,” Read said in a report to council. “There is a utility trailer behind the dwelling full to overflowing with bags of garbage. In an area beside the house in front of a collapsed shed are piles of garbage and building debris. Near to that are some standing sheds with open fronts containing discarded mattresses and a pile of burning debris.”

Read said there are two homes built on the property which are rented out.

The property owner, who does not live in Campbell River, was sent a letter from the city on last October requesting the garbage be removed. However, there’s been no response.

The property is one on a list of about 20 properties the city has ordered owners to clean up. Most owners complied. But in early October, remedial action was taken for homes on 7th and 8th avenues, as well as for five vacant lots on Oribi Drive.

In December, remedial action was issued to the owner of a home on Hilchey Road, asking the owner to cut back a hedge on the corner of Alder and Hilchey which was blocking the view of motorists in that intersection.

In the same month, the owner of a property on South Alder Street was ordered to trim back overgrown blackberry bushes, weeds, alder and long grasses growing on the vacant lot.

Campbell River Mirror