City OK’s upgrades to Hwy. 19A

Improvements to stretch from Rockland Road to Big Rock Boat Ramp picks up on work completed five years earlier

The city will pursue upgrades to Highway 19A after council Tuesday night endorsed submitting the project for grant funding.

City staff had recommended council choose to put that project forward in the city’s application to the Build Canada Fund.

The Highway 19A project involves improvements to the Island Highway between Rockland Road and Big Rock Boat Ramp.

It will pick up where highway improvements from Hilchey to Rockland left off nearly five years ago.

Coun. Charlie Cornfield said it’s an important project.

“I think this project provides a lot of necessary infrastructure that needs upgrading and it adds to the work that’s been done,” Cornfield said, “and I think the boat ramp is especially important to people.”

The city has until Feb. 18 to submit its application to the Build Canada Fund, which is a joint funding venture split between the federal and provincial government.

The program provides local governments with two-thirds of the funding needed for capital projects aimed at stimulating community growth.

Campbell River is just one of hundreds of communities and regional districts that will be vying for grant funding through the program.

Projects will be ranked by perceived value for money, capacity to support long term growth and sustainability, innovation and projects that protect and enhance public health and environment.

The city has benefited from the Build Canada Fund in the past. The Airport Runway Extension project garnered $4.7 million from the program and last year, the city was given access to a $3.4 million Build Canada Fund grant given to the Strathcona Regional District for Area D sewer extension. The money, however, was never used as Area D residents shot down sewer service – and joining the city – in a referendum last year.

Campbell River Mirror