City seeks public feedback on consultation

The City of Campbell River is interested to know whether its most recent outreach activities have worked for you.

The City of Campbell River is interested to know whether its most recent outreach activities have worked for you.

“We’ve been trying to reach as many people with as many different perspectives as possible to capture their vision of the future,” says Ross Blackwell, Land Use Manager for the City of Campbell River. “We want to make sure we’re talking to people from all walks of life and interests.”

The City of Campbell River’s most recent consultation process has focused on big picture projects such as the Sustainable Official Community Plan, the Agriculture Plan and the Master Transportation Plan.

To create an effective two-way exchange of knowledge and understanding, the city has introduced the Sustainable Campbell River website and Facebook page, offered prizes for survey participation and welcomed input at community events.

It has also hosted stakeholder meetings, workshops and open houses at various stages in the planning process.

“We’re always looking for ways to improve community consultation and reach more people, more consistently, and in a better, more meaningful way for all sorts of initiatives,” Blackwell adds. “We’d like to check in and ask people about what’s working, and what we can do better. Please take a few minutes to let us know.”

Blackwell invites people to e-mail the city with their comments on recent public engagement efforts.

What do you think the City of Campbell River is doing well now in terms of public engagement?

How could the City of Campbell River improve its current approach to public engagement?

Drop by City Hall to share comments with Blackwell in person, call him at (250) 286-5748, or e-mail

To learn more about city services, events and information, call City Hall at (250) 286-5700, or send an e-mail to or visit the city’s website at or follow City of Campbell River on Facebook.

Campbell River Mirror