City ups the ante on illegal parking

Front yards in Trail will soon be expensive parking spaces for boats, trailers and other recreational vehicles.

Front yards in Trail will soon be expensive parking spaces for boats, trailers and other recreational vehicles.

The city’s zoning bylaw prohibits storing these items on front driveways and lawns, as well as exterior side yards of corner lots. But currently there are no penalties for violating the rules.

Under amendments to the city’s municipal ticketing information bylaw given first three readings by council Tuesday, violators will now be subject to $500 fines, which are enforceable in Provincial Court.

The city recently sent out notices to 62 residents requesting that their RVs be moved, and 42 have complied.  Feedback from some of the others indicates they don’t believe the current “bylaw has any teeth,” corporate administrator Michelle McIssac told council.

“We have to get the fine up to a level that owners will deem it worthwhile to comply.”

As is the case when it comes to enforcing many bylaws, levying penalties will be the last result, she added.

Kevin Jolly was one of two councilors to vote against the new penalty,

“Parking on the road is one thing, parking on your own property is another,” he noted.

The rules on parking RVs in front yards has been in place since 2002, but is has only slowly become an issue as the number of owners has grown.

Parking them on the street for more than 24 hours is  prohibited as well.

The amendment also provides for $500 penalties for installing swimming pools or temporary vehicle shelters in front yards or exterior side yards.


Trail Daily Times