Clearwater benefits from economic development funding

Funding will help stakeholders develop an economic development strategy for the community and surrounding area

(L-r) TNRD Area A director Carol Schaffer, Clearwater councillor Dennis Greffard, Mayor John Harwood, and councillors Ken Kjenstad, Merlin Blackwell and Gord Heisterman accept a $15,000 cheque from MLA Terry Lake on Friday morning. The money will be used to hire a facilitator to help discussions on economic development.

(L-r) TNRD Area A director Carol Schaffer, Clearwater councillor Dennis Greffard, Mayor John Harwood, and councillors Ken Kjenstad, Merlin Blackwell and Gord Heisterman accept a $15,000 cheque from MLA Terry Lake on Friday morning. The money will be used to hire a facilitator to help discussions on economic development.

CLEARWATER – The B.C. government is helping Clearwater build for the future by providing $15,000 in funding to go toward the development of an economic strategy for the community and surrounding area.

The District of Clearwater is receiving the funding to hire a facilitator to lead discussions with several local stakeholder groups about approaches to enhance economic development in the area.

“This grant will allow the District of Clearwater and its partners to develop a framework on economic and social development that benefits the entire area,” Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake said. “Bringing key people and organizations together to collaborate on a vision for the future builds stronger, healthier communities.”

“This funding gives us the opportunity to host a facilitated session to bring together community organizations to discuss community development, economic development and the relationship between the two,” Clearwater Mayor John Harwood said. “We will also discuss what collaboration may look like in implementing strategies for economic cohesion, examine a view through outside lenses and maximize our economic partnerships.”

“Our goal is to complete a facilitated process looking at how our community and area may combine community services, create meaningful partnerships with a more co-ordinated approach through building capacity, to enhance and foster our economic, social and environmental well-being,” Clearwater chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx said.

The District of Clearwater is working in partnership with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Area A (Wells Gray Country), Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce and Yellowhead Community Services Society.

Discussions with facilitator Judy Rogers will focus on developing partnerships and setting a framework for economic co-operation. Rogers, who was Vancouver’s city manager for 10 years, will deliver a report by the end of September outlining recommendations on strategies and initiatives to promote greater co-operation, co-ordination and improvements in service delivery over the next several years in the Clearwater area.

Funding is provided by the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training.


Clearwater Times