CMHA calls for directors

Local mental health branch looking for board members

The Canadian Mental Health Association, South Cariboo Branch (CMHA-SC) is seeking volunteers to sit on its board of directors.

CMHA-SC president M-J Cousins says the group is looking for people who are enthusiastic, committed and of culturally diverse backgrounds to join the team.

She adds CMHA encourages those who have experienced a mental illness, either themselves or in their family, and/or who are mental health service providers to apply.

“We are also recruiting those with a background in financial management, personnel management, communications and fundraising.”

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a nation-wide volunteer organization that promotes mental health of all people, Cousins adds, and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.

It accomplishes this mission through advocacy, education, community-based research and services offered in communities, she notes.

“We are committed to providing an environment that is free from prejudice, discrimination and harassment. We strive to reflect the entire community in our volunteers and staff, and promote equal access to the services we provide.”

CMHA-SC members also value diversity, open-mindedness and an inclusive approach, she adds.

For more information or to apply as a board volunteer, contact Cousins at 250-706-2926.

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