Comox Valley cougar sightings tailing off

A cougar that had eluded conservation officers last month in the Comox Valley appears to have vacated the area.

A cougar that had eluded conservation officers last month in the Comox Valley appears to have vacated the area.

The cat was mostly seen at Salish Park in Comox, but there were other sightings near St. Joseph’s Hospital, Mark Isfeld Secondary, the former Field Sawmill site, and at North Island College on a trail at the top end of Muir Road. Brooklyn Elementary employed a lockdown Sept. 20.

The latest sighting was at Mahonia Crescent near CFB Comox on Tuesday.

“Not too much in and around the park, that one’s gone quiet,” said conservation officer Mike Newton. “It’s definitely quietened from what is was.”

The public is asked to call in cougar sightings at the RAPP line (Report all Poachers and Polluters) at 1-877-952-7277.

Comox Valley Record