Cops corral wanted men

Outstanding warrants received outstanding attention from the Trail Crime Reduction Unit as officers apprehended three Trail men.

Outstanding warrants received outstanding attention from the Trail Crime Reduction Unit last week as officers apprehended three Trail men wanted for numerous charges.

The arrests were part of an increasingly concerted effort by police to closely monitor offenders under court-imposed conditions, said Kootenay Boundary Regional Detachment’s RCMP Cpl. Darryl Orr.

“RCMP also remain committed to apprehending any persons in Trail and Castlegar with outstanding warrants of arrest to ensure the safety of the communities,” he said in a press release.

On Thursday officers in the Crime Reduction Unit arrested 32-year-old Sheldon Matteucci after two outstanding warrants were issued for his arrest for uttering threats and assault.

Matteucci was also found hiding inside a Trail residence and was arrested without incident in the late afternoon.

Matteucci was remanded into police custody and appeared in Rossland Provincial Court on Monday.

The previous day unit officers arrested 20-year-old Blade Guindon of Trail for an outstanding warrant of arrest for breach of probation.

After conducting numerous local enquiries Guindon had been observed outside of his residence contrary to his court-imposed curfew, a move that resulted in the warrant being issued and his subsequent arrest.

Police found Guindon hiding inside his Trail residence later that day and arrested him without incident.

He appeared in Nelson Provincial Court on Thursday and was sentenced to 10 days jail as a result of his breach of probation.

Outstanding warrants for uttering threats and failing to appear in court were the reasons members of the Trail Crime Reduction Unit arrested 24-year-old Frederic Roy on Tuesday.

Roy was arrested at his residence in Trail without incident and appeared in Nelson Provincial Court the same day Guindon was arrested.

However, Roy was released from custody after entering into a 12-month, no contact peace bond with the people involved in the original incident.

Trail Daily Times