Council names airport authority members

Appoints John Bell, Roy Grant and Al Baronas for a three-year term.

At its Nov. 19 meeting, City Council appointed three members to Campbell River’s Airport Authority Commission to replace those whose term has expired.

Council endorsed the Campbell River Airport Authority’s recommendation to appoint John Bell, Roy Grant and Al Baronas for a three-year term.

Bell and Grant are returning commission members whose term had expired.

Baronas brings important skills and experience to the Airport Authority, including most recently being the executive director of the Island Coastal Economic Trust, which was a major funder for the Campbell River Airport (YBL) runway extension and terminal building upgrades. Baronas also brings expertise in economic development.

“City Council and the Airport Authority sincerely thanks outgoing board member Bill Alder for his contribution during his three-year term,” says Susan Sinnott, Airport Authority Chair. “We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the exceptional members we’ve had on this board in the past, and to note that the outstanding calibre of applicants continues to make selection of members very challenging – in a good way.”

In December 2010, Council created the Airport Authority, with three of the nine director appointments timed to end each year to ensure continuity. Advertisements to recruit local or regional volunteer board members were placed in the local papers and on the City’s website and Facebook page.

The Airport Authority, through a selection committee, reviewed applications and recommended the appointments based on candidates skills, knowledge and experience in the aviation industry, economic development, policy governance, governmental finance or operations.

Campbell River Mirror