Council report

The regular meeting of municipal council was held on July 12 in council chambers.

District of Summerland

District of Summerland

The regular meeting of municipal council was held on July 12 in council chambers.

The mayor and all councillors were present.

Dock addition supported

Council gave its support to a proposed dock addition for 5849 Dale Ave.

The request came from Front Counter BC and municipal staff will respond directly to Front Counter BC.

Coun. Erin Carlson and Coun. Richard Barkwill opposed the resolution.

Heritage project selected

Municipal council passed two resolutions for the Canada  150 Fund for Heritage.

Two park areas on Lakeshore Drive will be named Waterfront Heritage Park.

Municipal staff will prepare and submit an application for the installation of interpretive signage for this par to the Canadian Heritage Canada 150 Fund.

Drought plan received

The Thompson Okanagan Region Drought Response Implementation Plan, dated July 2016 and provided by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, was received for information.

The plan will be referred to staff for further review.

Valve report received

Council received the report, PRV #10 Upgrade and Prairie Valley Road Valve Installation.

The report, submitted by the director of works and utilities, was received for information.

Environmental report accepted

The Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation of a municipal property at 9600 Victoria Rd. S. and provided by Valhalla Environmental Consulting Inc. was accepted for information.

Municipal staff will complete the sale of this property to Bill Laidman at fair market value.

Zoning, OCP changes adopted

Council adopted a pair of bylaws amending the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw for parks in the Lowertown area.

Bylaws adopted

Council adopted an Official Community Plan bylaw amendment and a zoning bylaw amendment for 2311 Thornber St.

Bylaws given two readings

Council gave first two readings to a pair of bylaws amending the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw.

The bylaws are for parks in the Lowertown area and will be the subject of a public hearing on July 25.

Coun. Janet Peake was opposed.


Summerland Review