Council report

Resolutions and bylaws from the May 13 municipal council meeting.

The regular meeting of municipal council was held on May 13 in council chambers. The mayor and all councillors were present.


Zoning amendment prepared

Municipal staff will prepare a zoning amendment to add Recreation Service Indoor as a permitted use in the CB1-Central Business Zone.

The zoning change is needed to accommodate an applicant wishing to set up a fitness centre in the downtown area.

Water rates adopted

Council approved a plan for residential and commercial/industrial water rates.

Mock bills, based on the proposed trial rates, will be sent until the end of September. In late October, an open house will be held to hear community opinion on the rates.

The agricultural metered water rates will be delayed until 2014.


Fees and charges amended

Council gave first three readings to amend its fees and charges bylaw to reflect the revised development application fees.

The previous fees were lower than the costs of providing the services.

Even with the adjustments and increases, the fees are still equal to or lower than those charged in many other Okanagan communities.

Zoning change adopted

A zoning amendment at 26405 Garnett Valley Road was adopted.

The zoning is amended from FG-Forestry Grazing to A2-Agricultural Large Acreage Zone.

The bylaw first came before council in February.

Industrial zone added

Council gave first reading to a bylaw which will amend the zoning bylaw to create the M1-A Business Industrial Zone at 10918 Rennie St.

A public hearing on the bylaw be held on May 27.


Summerland Review