Court House will house Town Offices

Council is being proactive and protective of the Town employees and have authorized upgrades to the Court House to house Town Offices

Negative air quality tests have resulted in the Mayor and Councils decision to move Town Hall. The Princeton Court House is currently undergoing renovations to house the Town Hall Offices. The offices will be located on the main floor.

Negative air quality tests have resulted in the Mayor and Councils decision to move Town Hall. The Princeton Court House is currently undergoing renovations to house the Town Hall Offices. The offices will be located on the main floor.

With the removal of the large ramp in front of the building, renovations to the Court House began last week in order to prepare it for the Town Offices relocation.

Negative air quality tests resulting from contamination by the former dry cleaners site beside the Town Hall have resulted in Councils decision to make the move.

“The levels are low, within safety standards,” said Rick Zerr, Chief Administrative Officer. (CAO)

Because of the test results, the current Town Hall would require a “significant investment in the building to correct the problem.”

Council is being proactive and protective of the Town employees and have authorized upgrades to the Court House to house Town Offices until a more permanent solution is decided upon.

EBA, Engineering Consultants Ltd., A Tetra Tech Company is the environmental firm that is working on the town Hall and the contaminated site next to it. EBA will make the final determination of what will need to be done with both of the properties.

“The renovations to the Court House will be done with full respect to it’s heritage and original design,” said Zerr.

In a announcement released on Friday, the extent of the renovations to the Court House will include; “Upgrading of the front entry and roof coverage of the existing steps.

• Upgrading of the rear entry for handicapped accessibility and provision of handicapped parking.

• Refreshing the look of the building exterior including  minor repairs and a complete paint application.

• Updating the interior of the main floor of the building including some limited floor plan improvements to accommodate all of the town hall functions except a Council Chamber (Council meetings will continue to be held at the Library until a more permanent Town Hall facility becomes available)

• Updating the functionality of the space with a new customer service counter, new flooring and new paint.

• Undertaking some landscaping improvements in keeping with the character of the building and the streetscape.”

The relocation of Town Offices is expected to be completed before winter sets in.


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