It's called a what? It is called a back-to-back recumbent bike and is being riden by Lloyd McLean (left) and  Bob MacDonald in the Craig Gives Back-2-Back Cross Canda Bycicle Tour.  The pair stopped overnight in Princeton on Friday to rest up for the trek from Princeton through Manning Park to Vancouver and then on to Victoria where the tour ends on Oct. 27.

It's called a what? It is called a back-to-back recumbent bike and is being riden by Lloyd McLean (left) and Bob MacDonald in the Craig Gives Back-2-Back Cross Canda Bycicle Tour. The pair stopped overnight in Princeton on Friday to rest up for the trek from Princeton through Manning Park to Vancouver and then on to Victoria where the tour ends on Oct. 27.

Craig Gives Back-2-Back Cross Canada Bycicle Tour takes a break in Princeton.

The pair stopped overnight in Princeton on Friday to rest up for the trek from Princeton through Manning Park.

The goal is to create awareness and  raise $300,000 for Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind and YMCAs in Canada.

The reason for this fundraiser is the desire of Craig Aucoin of Pictou, Nova Scotia to give back to the three Canadian charities that helped him improve his life while dealing with the loss of his eyesight due to retinitis pigmentosa disease.

On Aug. 4, Aucoin and his training partner and friend Lloyd McLean left St. John’s NL for their 85 day journey.

Aucoin suffered injuries on the East Coast and had to return home to Pictou. He is hoping to rejoin the ride for the final few days.

Bob MacDonald who also has retinitis pigmentosa and is considered legally blind offered to ride in Aucoin’s place so the Craig Gives Back ride would not have to be cancelled.

The ride is being done on a a unique, tandem recumbent bicycle – designed and built in Holland via a one-man operation.

The bicycle enables the sighted rider to guide while both riders give it power.

The riders have had a bit of cool weather during their travels, but for the most part they say  it has been good.

“The most aggressive part of the ride was through the Rockies, said McLean.

The longest day travelled was 210 kilometres but the pair normally do 70 to 100 km per day.

To show your support or to make a donation to the ride, visit or like Craig Gives Back on A donation of $5 via text can be made on your mobile phone  by texting  45678 with the keyword CRAIG.

“The support keeps us going,” said McLean, “Home Hardware has been very helpful and we get lots of honking and waves along the way.”


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