Creston Town Hall is located on 10th Avenue North.

Creston Town Hall is located on 10th Avenue North.

Creston town council awards grants, approves property setback

Creston town council approves two grants and a variance permit application at its May 8 regular meeting...

Four requests for grants-in-aid resulted in contributions of $300 to two recipients at the May 8 regular town council meeting. The Creston-Kootenay Foundation will receive money to help with expenses for its second Grand Soiree on June 2. The Lower Kootenay Band gets cash to help put on the 22nd Annual Yaqan Nukiy Powwow this weekend.

The grants were awarded despite a decision earlier this year to not fund a grant-in-aid program in 2012-2013 as council struggled to hold tax increases down when policing costs were added to its responsibilities.

At Coun. Wes Graham’s suggestion, the donations will come from a “discretionary grant fund” and not be called grants-in-aid.


Council Briefs

•Following a brief public hearing for a variance permit application for a property at 324 16th Ave. N., council endorsed a request by the owner to have the required setback reduced at the rear of the property. The setback requirement will now be three metres rather than 7.6 metres. The property is zoned for multi-family residential dwellings and the variance allows for a development to maximize the potential of the property.

•Women’s Institute member Gida King displayed a banner she created to display at a convention in Sidney in June.

•Creston Fire Rescue chief Bruce Mabin presented two firefighters with certificates of educational achievement. Firefighter Laura Dodman received one for fire service leadership, as did Deputy Chief Michael Moore. Moore was also cited for successfully completing a three-year program in fire service administration (human resources). He did the program on his own time.

•Mayor Ron Toyota was designated to attend a round table discussion in Cranbrook focusing on a strategic plan for policing on May 18. Town manager Lou Varela will also attend if her schedule allows.

•A letter of congratulations will be sent to the City of Greenwood for its recognition as having “the best tasting water in the world”.

•A request from Mane and Nails to install a projecting sign at its new location on Canyon Street was approved with an encroaching agreement.

“I think we need to revisit our sign bylaw,” said councillor Scott Veitch, who favours fewer restrictions for business signage.

•A letter from the Regional District of Central Kootenay requesting Town approval for bylaw No. 2278, being “Creston and Electoral Areas A, B and C Jaws of Life/Search and Rescue/First Responder Program Service Establishment Bylaw,” was referred to staff for a report.

•Engineering manager Colin Farynowski presented a report on a paving program for the town, which determines how paved road surfaces will be maintained and on what schedule.

•Council approved a request from the Creston Valley Food Action Coalition to hold a weekly afternoon farmers’ market in the parking lot adjacent to the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Positive comments were made by council and staff about the season’s first farmers’ market, which was held in the same location when the Millennium Square parking lot was unavailable due to the arrival of West Coast Amusements carnival earlier in the month.

Town staff were directed to work with the farmers’ market to find a way to accommodate recreational vehicles that arrive at the location.

•Toyota is attending the first ever BC Mayors’ Caucus in Penticton this week, in which finances are the primary focus. B.C. municipalities spend only eight per cent of tax dollars, but have a responsibility to provide fire and police protection, deliver water, treat sewage, collect garbage, provide recreational facilities, housing and social services.

Creston Valley Advance