The Creston RCMP detachment is located on 16th Avenue South.

The Creston RCMP detachment is located on 16th Avenue South.

Creston town council receives second-quarter RCMP report

RCMP Staff Sergeant Bob Gollan presented his quarterly report to town council last week...

In a relatively uneventful Town Council meeting on Oct. 9, RCMP Staff Sergeant Bob Gollan presented his quarterly policing report.

Statistics for the second quarter, including the number of calls, were in line with those from recent years, he said.

Gollan’s annual performance plan, created in consultation with local officials, focuses on substance abuse by youth, police-community relations, traffic and drinking and driving, organized crime and prolific offenders.

In other Council news:

•An application for funding under the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund for a new washroom facilities in Burns Park  was approved.

•A request from Canyon-Lister Elementary School to add to the Stream of Dreams fish mural on the Centennial Park fence got the go-ahead.

•Council approved a request go forward to the RDCK for a change in scope of a grant to build trails. The request is for grant money already awarded be used for a different portion of the trails project than initially intended.

•An invitation from the World Wildlife Federation of Canada to participate in the Earth Hour City Challenge was received.

•A letter of concern will be sent to Greyhound Lines after Council was told that a proposal for schedule changes could further reduce bus service in Southern BC.

•Rental of the Creston Room in Creston & District Community Complex for the annual Christmas Hamper Fund will be covered by the Mayor’s discretionary fund.

•Building inspector Ross Beddoes reported that the year’s first permit for construction of a new residential dwelling was issued in September.

•A report from deputy fire chief Michael Moore about a proposed adjudication process for bylaw infractions was accepted.

•Couns. Tanya Ducharme reported that the recent visit by a delegation from Creston’s sister town, Kaminoho, was a success. She credited Town executive assistant Bev Caldwell and members of the Creston-Kaminoho Friendship Society for making the necessary arrangements to host the visitors while most of Town Council was in Victoria for the Union of BC Municipalities convention.


Creston Valley Advance