Creston’s Footlighters Theatre Society in need of storage

Creston’s Footlighters Theatre Society needs help from someone who can offer a storage site...

(From left) Marc Archambault, Jennifer Dewald and Suzanne Chubb in the Footlighters Theatre Society's most recent production, Deathtrap.

(From left) Marc Archambault, Jennifer Dewald and Suzanne Chubb in the Footlighters Theatre Society's most recent production, Deathtrap.

Like most community theatre groups, Creston’s Footlighters Theatre Society gets by with a little help from their friends. And right now, it needs help from someone who can offer a storage site.

“We are in desperate need of storage space,” said board member Ann Deatherage. “The space that we have been using is now needed by the owner.”

The organization needs a minimum of 400 square feet of dry space, preferably with lights, close to or in town.

“Moving is hard on the sets,” said Jon Smith who, like Deatherage, works behind the scenes and also on stage to help Footlighters put on shows that are nearly always of appeal to families.

“We have some set pieces that are constantly being recycled for productions,” she said. “Some of our scenery flats have been used for 20 years or more.”

The catch, Deatherage added, is that the group doesn’t have money to rent space.

“We can’t commit to making any kind of meaningful payment,” she said. “We usually break even or make only a tiny profit from our productions. Theatre rental, production rights and scripts eat up most of what we bring in at the door.”

While the sets take up 400 square feet, it would be ideal to have a larger space so that volunteers can have easy access and sight of the pieces so they can see what they have to work with.

“We are hoping to find someone who supports the arts and can donate the space. We have lots of skills and manpower,” Deatherage said. “There would only be people around the space in the three weeks before a play — the sets just sit there the rest of the year.”

Smith said the group could help out with minor repairs or finishing in exchange for a suitable space, and that tickets to Footlighters’ productions will be provided to the donor.

“Footlighters helps keep us off the streets,” he laughed. “Our smallest productions involve probably 15 people and one like Aladdin requires as many as 60 performers and behind-the-scenes volunteers.

“We think that local theatrical productions add life to our community,” Deatherage said. “Now we hope someone who agrees will offer some storage space.”

For more information, contact Ann Deatherage at 250-866-5723.

Creston Valley Advance