Crew quickly extinguishes fire on soccer field

The blaze took place Friday morning at Cherry Hill Elementary

A fire started Friday morning on the soccer field at Cherry Hill elementary but was quickly extinguished before it could spread.

A fire started Friday morning on the soccer field at Cherry Hill elementary but was quickly extinguished before it could spread.

A fire began at about 11 a.m. today (Friday) on the soccer field at Cherry Hill Elementary on Best Avenue in Mission but it was quickly extinguished before it could spread to nearby homes.

Kevin Allan, whose home is right beside the field, was standing on the front porch talking to his wife on the phone when he heard the sound of a crackling fire.

“I looked over the railing to the side of the house and saw smoke and flames,” he said.

Allan hung up, called 911 and then ran to run a garden hose from his home over the fence. By the time he got the hoses connected and turned on, a fire truck was driving across the field.

Allan said it looked like the fire started by kids who threw a cigarette onto the field.

(Photo below by Kevin Allan)

Mission City Record