Deaths, booze dominate week

Creston RCMP had an unusually busy fall week from October 24-30, responding to 83 calls for service.

Creston RCMP had an unusually busy fall week from October 24-30, responding to 83 calls for service, Staff Sergeant Darryl Hammond said on Monday. Three sudden deaths and numerous issues with intoxicated people dominated police time.

October 24

•A Crawford Bay resident reported a suspicious person near the home.

•When police investigated an apparent theft of a Kokanee clock from the Community Complex and identified a suspect on video, they concluded the item’s removal was a misunderstanding. It has been returned.

•A Canyon business reported some NSF cheques.

•A 911 call reporting a forest fire was forwarded to the Ministry of Forests.

•An 88-year-old male died in his Lister home, apparently of natural causes.

October 25

•A Kidd Creek tent dweller reported hearing suspicious noises.

•When police questioned a pilot accused of flying too low over Sinclair Road, he denied breaking regulations.

•A West Creston resident reported hearing gunshots in the night, and identified a black Dodge Ram 3500 as the vehicle of possibly illegal hunters.

•Police were called about a civil dispute on 15th Avenue that involved a disagreement over work provided by a contractor.

•A disturbance was reported on 6th Avenue South when a male was shouting because a vehicle was parked in front of his house.

•A hermit living in the Kitchener area was the subject of a requested well-being check. Police determined he had gone to Nelson and was staying in a shelter.

•A complaint was made from Northwest Boulevard when Town employee removed cat food left on the roadside.

•Possible illegal hunting was reported in the Kidd Creek area.

October 26

•A vehicle collided with a deer on Canyon-Lister Road.

•A 73-year-old male died suddenly in his Northwest Boulevard home, apparently of natural causes.

•A Wynndel resident complained about items being thrown, but then refused to co-operate with police.

•A vehicle went into the ditch on Highway 3 near Yahk when the driver swerved to avoid an elk.

•Ammunition was turned in for destruction by a 6th Avenue North resident.

•An 8th Avenue South resident reported suspicious powder on the ground but it was not located by police.

•A hit and run involving a parked car in the 1100 block of Canyon Street was reported by a witness.

•An aggressive panhandler was reported on Canyon Street.

•A female was heard screaming during a 911 call from Wynndel, saying that two youths were involved in a broken window incident.

•A male in a ditch in Riondel was heard calling for help. Ambulance personnel determined he was intoxicated and took him home.

•An intoxicated female on Elm Street reported being assaulted, but then refused to co-operate with police.

•A well-being check on a Wynndel resident revealed no problems.

October 27

•An 82-year-old male died in his West Creston home, apparently of natural causes.

•Police are investigating a report from Lister about a driver with concerning medical conditions.

•A vehicle being driven with the car alarm sounding was reported at Canyon Street and 15th Avenue but police did not locate it.

•A Revenue Canada employee reported a person who had made comments that caused concern for their well-being.

•A well-being check on Highway 3 in Erickson revealed the resident was okay.

•A sexual assault report is under investigation.

•A deer injured in a collision with a vehicle on Highway 3 in Erickson had to be put down.

October 28

•When police were attending to an out of control patient at the hospital an intoxicated male began to interfere. He was arrested when he interfered with hospital staff, at which point police determined there was a warrant out for his arrest, and also that he was breaking court conditions by consuming alcohol.

•A report from Kitchener said an Alberta pickup truck was driving and passing at a high rate of speed.

•A driver complained of a slow vehicle that sped up to prevent a vehicle from passing on Highway 3 in Erickson.

•A vehicle was reported to have passed a school bus displaying flashing lights near ARES.

•Two intoxicated adult brothers got into a fight on Cook Street.

•A loud party was reported on Hilton Street.

October 29

•A stop check on Highway 3 at 33rd Avenue found a driver who had consumed an excess of alcohol. He was issued a 90-day driving prohibition and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

•A vehicle went off Kootenay River Road at Putnam Road and hit a utility pole.

•An intoxicated male was the subject of a complaint from Kitchener.

•An intoxicated male at a Kootenay River Road party was arrested and held overnight in police cells.

•A vehicle left at the landfill site on Mallory Road was towed.

•A vehicle collided with a deer on Lakeview-Arrow Creek Road.

•A vehicle abandoned on 16th Avenue at Cook Street was towed.

•A 911 call from West Creston was dialed in error while a person experimented with a new cell phone.

•A male wanted on a warrant was arrested in Erickson and later released on a promise to appear in court.

•A washer and dryer were reported stolen from a rental home on Stace Road.

•A report from the Bountiful area said tires were slashed on a car and sewing needles were stuck into chickens.

•When a report came about a stranger knocking on a door on 15th Avenue North police located and arrested two intoxicated males, who were released when sober.

•A small amount of marijuana was seized from a vehicle on 10th Avenue North at Canyon Street.

•A male attempting to hide in a parking lot in the 400 block of 6th Avenue was found to be intoxicated. He was arrested and held in cells until sober.

October 30

•Video is being checked after a tire was slashed on Elm Street at 24th Avenue.

•A vehicle spun out on Nick’s Island Road North and overturned.

•A reported deer with a broken leg on Highway 3A was not located.

•Two males smoking marijuana on Highway 21 at Kootenay River Road had their stash seized for destruction.



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