Departure of Ross from Comox Valley Record end of an era

The Comox Valley Record's loss is the Comox Valley's gain.

The Comox Valley Record‘s loss is the Comox Valley’s gain.

Joanna Ross, born and raised in the Valley, will continue to be a vital part of the community she has grown up in after stepping down as business development director of the Record this Friday.

Her retirement will mark the end of an era in local newspapers. “I started 24 years ago at the Comox District Free Press as a sale rep,” Ross recalled.

“I was hired by (former Record publisher) Grant Lawrence. I was always late with my ad copy, so he must have hired me for my handwriting. It wasn’t my ability to meet deadlines, that’s for sure,” she said with a smile.

After four years at the Green Sheet, Ross “crossed the street” to join the Record as sales manager. “That was the year before the picket line went up (at the Green Sheet, leading to its closure). I do believe in fate,” Ross said.

Ross became publisher of the Record in the fall of 2010 and took on the role of director of business development when Zena Williams became the Record publisher.

Becoming publisher is one of her career highlights, and she is also proud of Trio, the Record‘s recently launched, full-colour glossy magazine that is up for a Special Publications award in this year’s B.C. and Yukon Community Newspapers Association competition.

With no more deadlines to meet – or set – Ross says she is looking forward to running her bed and breakfast operation, travelling and enjoying more time with her two grandchildren.


Comox Valley Record