District gives Boulders gym a leg up

The Boulders Climbing Gym asked for financial support from Central Saanich for its climbing wall located at Stelly’s secondary school.

The Boulders Climbing Gym asked for financial support from Central Saanich for its climbing wall located at Stelly’s secondary school.

The climbing wall project has incurred significant cost overruns and needs to be completed by the end of October to qualify for the funding agreements made with the federal and provincial governments.

A representative from the society highlighted that senior government funding partners are considering further financial support for the project and requested the society ask for the district’s support as well.

The society asked to be reimbursed for the building fees and the District of Central Saanich’s portion of the development cost charges. Central Saanich council agreed to refund the fees collected on the project to help the climbing facility.

Peninsula News Review