District of Houston holds public hearing

On Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. the District of Houston council meeting a public hearing was held

On Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. the District of Houston council meeting a public hearing was held to receive input involving theDevelopment Bylaw No. 1040, 2013.

Published in the Houston Today Oct. 12 issue, it was advertised the proposal to amended this bylaw with Bylaw No. 1083,2016 which, would repeal and replace the existing Annex “A” of the bylaw in order to clarify the definition of several terms,clarify several sections, improve cross-referencing, exempt proposed signs for existing developments from the development permit process and fees structure, reduce floodplain exemptions in non-Agricultural Land Reserve areas, and extend the permissions for flag signs and digital signs.

Nancy Flemming was the only resident present to outline her suggestions to council.

Using districts of Rossland, Clearwater, Chetwynd, Highland, and 100 Mile House as references, Flemming compiled a list of amendment recommendations to council.

Flemming indicated that Section 5.7 Non-Conforming Parcels of the bylaw is convoluted. This section concerns the land,building, and structures. Flemming provided alternative wording to make the section easier to read and understand, and suggested that it include reference to the Local Government Act.

Of also concern, Flemming showed that there is a conflict between Section 5.3 General Regulation and Section 5.13 HomeIndustry. It was suggested that the specifications of the size of the accessory buildings be corrected to be consistent.


Houston Today