District reviews future transportation needs

Getting around Lake Country in safe and enjoyable ways is the vision of the district’s Transportation for Tomorrow 20-year plan.

Getting around Lake Country in safe and enjoyable ways is the vision of the district’s Transportation for Tomorrow 20-year plan.

A steering committee has reviewed the current state of Lake Country’s 200 kilometres of roads and  examined the projected needs, costs of maintenance, road renewal and transportation improvements that will bring it all together in a long-term plan.

Through this approach, the district has calculated a $1.5 million annual shortfall to look after the current roads.

“Like any growing community, roads in Lake Country are used by more vehicles, trucks, pedestrians and cyclists than they were when the roads were originally constructed,” said Mayor James Baker.

“So when improvements on main roads are scheduled, it is important to add active transportation components for walking and cycling.”

The 20-year plan involves the maintenance, renewal and improvement of the system of roads, walkways and bicycle paths that allow residents and visitors to get around Lake Country in safe and enjoyable ways.

“It means that, on completion, Transportation for Tomorrow will have developed a transportation network plan that will serve to inter-connect our community in a safe, sensible, logical and cost-effective way,” said Coun. Owen Dickie.

A display in the lobby of the municipal office and on the lakecountry.bc.ca website lays out the current road maintenance task list and annual costs; includes a snow removal priority map for Lake Country; and explains the various types of roads and active transportation improvements that can be achieved over the next 20 years throughout the community.


Vernon Morning Star