Downtown Lake Cowichan success story

As many of you know, when it comes to municipal politics it can take a great deal of time to have a goal come to fruition.


As many of you know, when it comes to municipal politics it can take a great deal of time to have a goal come to fruition.  

However, we are fortunate to be part of a group working towards a goal for continued revitalizing of our downtown core.  

Previous Councils have worked towards this same goal and they deserve recognition for helping lay the foundation for our most recent accomplishments.

We have the privilege to announce a new stand alone library will be built in Lake Cowichan.  

Since 1937, the citizens in the area have consistently supported our library and the numbers reflect they have out grown their current space, proving there is an undeniable need for a larger and updated facility.  

Through the collaborated efforts of Vancouver Island Regional Library, Cowichan Valley Regional District and the Town of Lake Cowichan, we are able to make the vision of a new library a reality.  

The location of this new building on South Shore Road will certainly help to enhance downtown.

We are also excited to have received confirmation from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure that they will be repaving 2.4 kilometres of South Shore Road in 2012.  This includes the stretch of road from the entrance of the Town, up to the Cowichan Lake Sports Arena.  

This will give us time to prepare the preliminary work required and any landscaping we need to help achieve the look we are going for.  Our work is just beginning and we need your help.  Speak up – this is a perfect time to help shape your Town and indentify the appearance you would like to see on this stretch of road.  

We have some ideas – let’s hear yours.

Our Advisory Planning Commission will be hosting two public meetings to hear your views on the Official Community Plan.  

The dedicated Commission of volunteers have spent years working on this important document and input from the public is imperative to the Town’s future.  

The time to review and contribute to this document is now.  Please mark March 12 at 1 p.m. and March 17 at 7 p.m. on your calendar and come out to the public meetings held in Council Chambers and give us your feedback on our next Official Community Plan.

The Town suffers when any of our citizens pass away and it is no exception when you mention Barry Volkers’ name.  Barry was a gentleman who made invaluable contributions to our community, including documenting the history of our area.  

He was appropriately appointed a Freeman of the Town and Lake Cowichan is forever richer because of his dedication.  

Thank You Barry.

Lake Cowichan Secondary School, Kyla Bridge, pulled off a very special assembly at the local high school recently when she was able to attract the Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Steven Point, to speak on the benefits of literacy.  

I was privileged to be invited to attend this inspiring event and the students did themselves, their school and the Town proud with their behavior and well thought out questions.  His Honour captivated the whole audience and did not disappoint anyone in attendance.

Thank you to all staff and employees for all you do to improve our community.  Of course, to our families, thank you for your support and encouragement so we may continue to do what we do.


Lake Cowichan Gazette